
ESL (Spoken English Classes)

About Course

Beginners to Intermediate Classes

Based on free demo session the level of your understanding is decided. We recommend 60 hours of training for beginners. These sixty hours of training will help you understand the language from the core. You will be able to understand the words with its usages. In the first twenty hours you will get to know the Word Class of English Grammar. We will train you how to form Simple Sentences and Compound Sentences. The first twenty sessions will help you strengthen your foundation. After the first set of twenty sessions, it’s time for you to begin with the second set of 20 sessions. In this section you will learn to create your own sentences as per your situation. This section will involve Reading, Writing and Speaking. We will be sharing numerous topics for discussions during the session. The experts will monitor your speaking and writing abilities and will help you eradicate the flaws by sharing the system. The third phase is where you learn to speak, write, and read appropriately.

60 Hours Training Objectives


  • communicate ideas/opinions clearly, accurately, and effectively.
  • develop responses and link ideas using a range of appropriate linking devices.
  • use a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary accurately and effectively.
  • show control of pronunciation and intonation patterns
  • engage in a conversation and contribute effectively to help move the conversation forward.


  • communicate information/ideas/opinions clearly, accurately, and effectively.
  • organise ideas into coherent paragraphs using a range of appropriate linking devices.
  • use a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary accurately and effectively.
  • show control of punctuation and spelling
  • use appropriate register and style/format for the given purpose and audience.


  • identify and select relevant information.
  • understand ideas, opinions, and attitudes.
  • show understanding of the connections between ideas, opinions, and attitudes.
  • understand what is implied but not directly stated, e.g., gist, writer’s purpose, intention, and feelings.


  • identify and select relevant information.
  • understand ideas, opinions, and attitudes.
  • show understanding of the connections between ideas, opinions, and attitudes.
  • understand what is implied but not directly stated, e.g., gist, speaker’s purpose, intention, and feelings.

Our teachers will conduct weekly assessment program based on the tutoring lessons.

Weekly Assessment of each module

  • Speaking – 30 minutes – 75 marks
  • Writing – 45 minutes – 75 marks
  • Reading – 30 minutes – 75 marks        
  • Listening – 30 minutes – 75 marks

Subject Content

The skills covered in the syllabus are outlined below.



  • communicate information and ideas with some expansion
  • organise and link ideas with appropriate linking devices
  • engage in a conversation on a range of topics familiar to the candidate’s experience, e.g., the world around us and past experience
  • produce responses with an adequate range of language structures (i.e., grammatical, and lexical)
  • produce responses that show sufficient control of pronunciation and intonation


  • communicate information, abstract ideas, and arguments with good expansion
  • organise and link ideas with a range of appropriate linking devices
  • engage in a conversation on a wide range of topics, e.g., natural environment, arts, science, and global issues
  • produce responses with a wide range of language structures (i.e., grammatical, and lexical)
  • produce responses that show good control of pronunciation and intonation



  • understand information and ideas from a range of texts, e.g., leaflets, articles, blogs and webpages
  • identify relevant information and select correct details from a range of texts
  • identify ideas, opinions, and attitudes from a range of texts and understand the connections between them
  • show some awareness of what is implied but not directly stated, e.g., gist, purpose, and intention


  • understand factual information, abstract ideas and arguments from a range of texts, e.g. leaflets, articles, blogs and webpages
  • identify relevant information and select correct details from a wide range of texts
  • identify ideas, opinions, and attitudes from a wide range of texts and understand the connections between them
  • understand what is implied but not directly stated, e.g., gist, purpose, and intention



  • communicate information and ideas with appropriate expansion
  • select and organise relevant information and ideas into paragraphs and use appropriate linking devices
  • respond to a written stimulus and show awareness of appropriate register and style/format for the given purpose and audience, e.g., a summary, an informal email, an article, a report, and a review
  • produce written texts with an adequate range of language structures (i.e., grammatical, and lexical)
  • produce written texts that show good control of punctuation and spelling


  • communicate information, abstract ideas, and arguments with good expansion
  • select and organise relevant information and ideas into coherent paragraphs and use a range of appropriate linking devices
  • respond to a written stimulus and use appropriate register and style/format for the given purpose and audience, e.g. a summary, an informal email, an article, a report and a review
  • produce written texts with a wide range of language structures (i.e., grammatical, and lexical)
  • produce written texts that show very good control of punctuation and spelling



  • understand factual information and ideas from a range of sources, e.g. recorded phone messages, announcements, dialogues, interviews and formal talks. A variety of voices and accents will be heard in recordings to reflect the various contexts presented.
  • identify relevant information and select correct details from a range of sources • identify ideas, opinions, and attitudes from a range of sources and understand the connections between them
  • show some awareness of what is implied but not directly stated, e.g. gist, purpose and intention


  • understand information, abstract ideas, and arguments from a wide range of sources, e.g., recorded phone messages, announcements, dialogues, informal conversations, interviews, and formal talks. A variety of voices and accents will be heard in recordings to reflect the various contexts presented.
  • identify relevant information and select correct details from a wide range of sources • identify ideas, opinions and attitudes from a wide range of sources and understand the connections between them • understand what is implied but not directly stated, e.g. gist, purpose and intention.